The New York and Spot Turn in Rumba are just like the New York and Spot turn in Cha Cha Cha - without the cha cha! Your forward or backward movement is still done on the 2, 3, but instead of your cha cha chasse on the 4,+,1, you simply step to the side and transfer your weight for the full 4,+,1.
New YorkLeaders'/Men's FootworkStart with your weight on your Right foot, with your left extended out to the side.

Instead of stepping straight forward "through" your partner on Count 2 as you would in a basic movement, turn your shoulders to face the wall to your Right as you bring your Left foot through and step forward in the new direction.

(You and your partner should now have stepped forward on your inside/closest legs and should both be facing the wall to your right with only your left hand holding her right at about waist height slightly in front of your body.)
Replace your weight on your Left foot and turn your shoulders back to face your partner on Count 3. (Take hold of both hands at this stage and while you are facing each other.)

Step side on your Left foot, taking the next 2 counts to transfer your weight onto your Left foot and settle into your Left hip. (Count 4-and-1)

Repeat to the other side by bringing your shoulders open to the wall to your left and stepping through on your Right foot. (Count 2)

Replace your weight onto your left foot and bring your body back to face your partner. (Count 3)

Step side onto your Right foot, transferring the weight on the 4-and-1.
Followers'/Lady's FootworkStart with your weight on your Left foot.

Rather than stepping back into the normal basic movement, your partner will have indicated (by lowering his left - your right hand at the end of the previous step) that you are going to step forward on your Right foot opening your shoulders to face the wall to your Left on Count 2.

Replace your weight onto your Left foot and bring your shoulders back to face your partner on Count 3.

Step side onto your Right foot, taking the full two counts to transfer your weight onto your Right foot and settle into your Right hip. (Counts 4-and-1)

When led, swing your shoulders open to face the wall to your right as you step forward on your Left foot. (Count 2)

Return to face your partner and with your weight on your Right foot on Count 3.

Move your Left foot to the side and transfer your weight onto it, allowing your weight to settle into your hip. (Counts 4-and-1)
Spot TurnLeaders'/Men's FootworkBeginning with your weight on your Right foot, bring your Left foot forward and through to the side wall on Count 2. (Exactly the same movement as in your New Yorker.) Make sure that you leave your Right foot connected to the floor for the rest of the turn.

Continue moving your shoulders to the Right, with your weight on your Left foot and face away from your partner,turning all the way to face the wall that was originally to your Left.
On Count 3, step forward onto your Right foot (which has remained where it was throughout this movement)

and swivel the further 90 degrees to face your partner as you bring your Left foot around with no weight.
Step side and transfer your weight (Counts 4-and-1)
Reverse by bringing your Right foot through to face the wall to your Left. (Just like in your New Yorkers.) Leaving your Left foot where it is, continue to turn your shoulders to the Left - away from your partner -

until you face the wall that was originally to your Right. Step forward on Count 3 onto your Left foot

and swivel the last 90 degrees to face your partner again.
Transfer your weight to the Right. (Counts 4-and-1)
Followers'/Lady's FootworkStart with your weight on your Left foot, bring your Right foot forward and through to the side wall on Count 2. (Exactly the same movement as in your New Yorker.) Make sure that you leave your Left foot connected to the floor for the rest of the turn.
Continue moving your shoulders to the Left, with your weight on your Right foot, and face away from your partner; turning all the way to face the wall that was originally to your Right. All of this turn needs to be competed in one count!

On Count 3, step forward onto your Left foot (which has not moved while you have been turning on the other foot)

and swivel the further 90 degrees to face your partner as you bring your Right foot around with no weight.
Step and then transfer your weight to your Right (Counts 4-and-1)
Reverse by bringing your Left foot through to face the wall to your Right. (Again, just like in your New Yorkers.) Leaving your Right foot where it is, continue to turn your shoulders to the Right -

away from your partner - until you face the wall that was originally to your Left. Step forward on Count 3 onto your Right foot

and swivel the last 90 degrees to face your partner again.
Step, and then transfer your weight to the Left (Counts 4-and-1)